

David Ball


美学 是一个源自希腊语的术语,更确切地说,是来自于单词 aisthésis 它是哲学的一个分支,被称为艺术哲学,研究美的本质或美的东西,无论是自然的还是艺术的,以及艺术的基础。 美学还研究美丽的东西提供或唤醒每个人内心的感觉。




在古代,美学是伦理学和逻辑学研究和教学的一部分。 许多哲学家从事各种哲学课题的讨论,其中就有美学。 柏拉图和亚里士多德是对美学涉及最多的哲学家。 研究 美丽的 甚至柏拉图在他的几篇对话中(柏拉图在自己的作品中写下了他对哲学的思考方式,今天这些作品成为该领域许多学科的基础)也表达了他对美在人们的思考和行为方式中所占据的空间的关注。

See_also: 梦见自己在跑步是什么意思?



请看这里 的含义的一切。 逻辑 e 伦理学 .

A 先验 引入这些目前我们所知道的美学概念的是德国哲学家亚历山大-戈特利布-鲍姆加登;他指定,美的科学(美学)将正是对艺术(感官知识)中所表达的美的理解,而这一科学与以下逻辑相反是通过认知知识来表达的。

后来在文艺复兴时期,美学以同样的方式和柏拉图赋予的先验意义重新出现,如美是一种精神状态。 然而,直到18世纪的英国,美学才达到了最高的概念和重要性,当时英国人确立了相对美和直接美,以及崇高和美丽之间的区别。

1790年,伊曼纽尔-康德在其作品《判断力批判》(Critique of Judgement)中定义了审美判断的先验性,称美是一种 "无尽的终结性"。

重要的是,要强调最伟大的思想家们之间的思想分歧。 历史 以及他们为美学提出的意义:


柏拉图 - 对他来说,美是绝对的、永恒的,不需要艺术等物质表现来表达,因为这些只是对完美事物的模仿。 人不能对美的事物发表意见,因为在这种反应面前,人的唯一反应是被动的。 在柏拉图的概念中,美、美、知识和爱是不可分割的。

另见 的意义 洞穴的神话 .

亚里士多德 - 对他来说,美既不是完美的,也不是抽象的,而是具体的,就像人性一样,它可以改进和发展。


See_also: 超越


  • 道德的含义
  • 认识论的含义
  • 逻辑的含义
  • 形而上学的含义
  • 道德的含义
  • 洞穴神话的含义
  • 中世纪哲学的含义
  • 维特鲁威人的含义
  • 历史的意义
  • 诠释学的含义

David Ball

David Ball is an accomplished writer and thinker with a passion for exploring the realms of philosophy, sociology, and psychology. With a deep curiosity about the intricacies of the human experience, David has dedicated his life to unraveling the complexities of the mind and its connection to language and society.David holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from a prestigious university where he focused on existentialism and the philosophy of language. His academic journey has equipped him with a profound understanding of human nature, allowing him to present complex ideas in a clear and relatable manner.Throughout his career, David has authored numerous thought-provoking articles and essays that delve into the depths of philosophy, sociology, and psychology. His work scrutinizes diverse topics such as consciousness, identity, social structures, cultural values, and the mechanisms that drive human behavior.Beyond his scholarly pursuits, David is revered for his ability to weave intricate connections between these disciplines, providing readers with a holistic perspective on the dynamics of the human condition. His writing brilliantly integrates philosophical concepts with sociological observations and psychological theories, inviting readers to explore the underlying forces that shape our thoughts, actions, and interactions.As the author of the blog of abstract - Philosophy,Sociology and Psychology, David is committed to fostering intellectual discourse and promoting a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between these interconnected fields. His posts offer readers an opportunity to engage with thought-provoking ideas, challenge assumptions, and expand their intellectual horizons.With his eloquent writing style and profound insights, David Ball is undoubtedly a knowledgeable guide in the realms of philosophy, sociology, and psychology. His blog aims to inspire readers to embark on their own journeys of introspection and critical examination, ultimately leading to a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us.