

David Ball

人口普查投票、 普选是一种选举制度,其特点是限制某些公民群体的选举权,他们必须满足某些社会经济性质的标准。

什么是人口普查? 人口普查指的是人口普查,在这里是指资产普查,以确定某个公民是否符合行使投票权的必要经济条件。


我们知道,在不同国家的不同时期,代议制如果存在的话,会以不同的方式表现出来。 例如,直到19世纪,在现有的选举制度中,人口普查投票是相当普遍的。 受到 启蒙 由此,新的行动者开始分享权力,并有权获得政治代表权。

然而,需要注意的是,并非所有公民都被授予了投票权。 公民必须符合某些财产或收入标准是非常普遍的。 这种限制投票权的理由之一是,人口中较富裕的部分更有资格参与决策。对公共事务的了解,以及从糟糕的政策中损失更多,因此更有责任感。

在许多国家,扩大获得选举权的群体的过程是渐进的,取决于民众的动员。 随着时间的推移,财产或收入的要求被降低,增加了被认为有资格投票的公民的数量,后来又被取消。 此外,妇女被纳入选民行列,并被放弃。其中有基于种族或宗教的限制。

See_also: 梦见已故的丈夫:快乐、悲伤、微笑、活着、死亡等。



在介绍了普查投票一词的含义后,可以讨论它在巴西的历史。 投票在巴西的殖民时期和帝国时期受到审查。 在殖民时期,参加市议会和参与选择其成员的可能性只限于所谓的 "好人"。

成为好人的要求包括天主教信仰,良好的社会地位,例如土地所有权,被认为是纯种的,并且年龄超过25岁。 因此,政治参与仅限于来自富裕家庭的个人,拥有贵族头衔或许多财产的所有者。

See_also: 梦见自己在飞行是什么意思?


根据1824年的帝国宪法,要享有选举权,必须是男性,25岁以上,年收入至少10万雷亚尔。 让我们看看这个制度是如何运作的。 要成为一个选民,一个参与选择选举人的公民,必须有不低于10万雷亚尔的年收入。 要成为一个选举人,一个参与选择担任众议员和参议员,必须有不少于20万雷亚尔的年收入。



  • Voto de Cabresto的含义
  • 公决和公投的含义

David Ball

David Ball is an accomplished writer and thinker with a passion for exploring the realms of philosophy, sociology, and psychology. With a deep curiosity about the intricacies of the human experience, David has dedicated his life to unraveling the complexities of the mind and its connection to language and society.David holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from a prestigious university where he focused on existentialism and the philosophy of language. His academic journey has equipped him with a profound understanding of human nature, allowing him to present complex ideas in a clear and relatable manner.Throughout his career, David has authored numerous thought-provoking articles and essays that delve into the depths of philosophy, sociology, and psychology. His work scrutinizes diverse topics such as consciousness, identity, social structures, cultural values, and the mechanisms that drive human behavior.Beyond his scholarly pursuits, David is revered for his ability to weave intricate connections between these disciplines, providing readers with a holistic perspective on the dynamics of the human condition. His writing brilliantly integrates philosophical concepts with sociological observations and psychological theories, inviting readers to explore the underlying forces that shape our thoughts, actions, and interactions.As the author of the blog of abstract - Philosophy,Sociology and Psychology, David is committed to fostering intellectual discourse and promoting a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between these interconnected fields. His posts offer readers an opportunity to engage with thought-provoking ideas, challenge assumptions, and expand their intellectual horizons.With his eloquent writing style and profound insights, David Ball is undoubtedly a knowledgeable guide in the realms of philosophy, sociology, and psychology. His blog aims to inspire readers to embark on their own journeys of introspection and critical examination, ultimately leading to a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us.